
About Heather

My story

By the end of my 20’s, I already carried with me a decade’s worth of depression. And while I loved my career in the music industry in Los Angeles, I realized it was consuming my life and however ‘cool’ it was, I couldn’t deny the ceaseless awareness that there was more to life than rock stars and backstage passes. It was at the age of 29 and at the start of my Saturn Return (no surprise), that I decided to take a sabbatical from my career and explore my self. I was keenly aware of the adage, “wherever you go, there you are,” and it was precisely that sentiment that motivated me to move over 6,000 miles away from my personal and professional networks, to a country where I didn’t know anyone and didn’t speak the language – to stop the noise and sit with my feelings.

That year abroad turned out to be paramount to my growth – exciting, challenging, and lonely. It was the catalyst for many revelations in my life. Still though, I struggled with depression for another 7 agonizing years. During those years of sadness no amount of sympathy, support, or talk therapy alleviated it. At my rock bottom, I realized I’d breached some core personal values and I was disappointed in myself, heartbroken and financially broke. Years earlier, I’d witnessed a friend thriving and she’d credited the practice of kundalini yoga for it, so I blindly followed her lead. It was a disciplined dose of the applied science of this mysterious yoga that eliminated my 15-year battle with the mental illness. I’m now proud to share that I’ve been depression-free since 2013 and kundalini yoga remains by daily practice.

Years later, I battled with a debilitating back injury that left me largely immobile for almost two years. After spending countless hours and thousands of dollars on physical therapy – which got me back on my feet but left me with only a fraction of my mobility – ultimately it was a combination of energy healing and shadow work that healed my back – something the critical mind would consider a structural problem.

What I’ve learned through my emotional and physical challenges (and there have been many others!) is that we are complex and powerful-beyond-measure beings. We can paralyze ourselves by fears and doubts or we can choose to harness the greatness we inherently carry.

Because I’m curious by nature, I was driven to understand why the methods that healed me held efficacy. I now openly share that knowledge and I aim to guide others who are heroic enough to answer their same soul’s call to heal.

origin of the name

You might be wondering about the origin of the name, Swan Love Holistics. Swans symbolize the goddess and the feminine Christ consciousness – the awareness of the presence of the Divine at the core of everything in creation. In the kundalini tradition, we are given spiritual names, which essentially are your soul’s identity. A spiritual name can be seen as a rebirth in consciousness and an opportunity to be verbally reminded of the essence of that consciousness each time you are called. My given spiritual name is Hanspreet Kaur – ‘Hans’ means ‘Swan,’ ‘Preet’ means ‘Love,’ and ‘Kaur’ ‘means ‘Priestess.’ In essence my name signifies a divine woman whose nature is to share higher consciousness and love. Because I integrate mindfulness modalities with psychology techniques, ‘Holistics’ felt like a perfect way to describe the amalgamation of the methods that I not only utilized myself but which are the basis of my work with my clients.

My vision

Humans are complex and integrated beings. When we experience an interruption in homeostasis caused by prolonged stress, trauma, epigenetics or otherwise it often creates a new, substandard baseline of wellbeing which, if left untreated, becomes a person’s new norm and I believe too many people are living unnecessary, sub-standard lives when they could be living out fulfilled lives. When we work with ourselves holistically, we create lasting change and we relieve suffering on a multitude of levels.

I believe the only limits you have are those you’re telling yourself. Every individual has the inherent capacity to succeed and lead a fulfilled life however too often we simply forget…and what blocks us is limiting behaviors and thoughts which are seeded in the past and encumbering the present. Therefore, what’s required is twofold: first, a cleaning up of the past and second, a remembering (through application) that this latent ability for achievement resides within you – you just have to activate it. Once you clear the past and you know how to access your strength, you become your own limitless source for growth, success, and joy. In my work, I guide clients back to this remembrance by simplifying the proven, but sometimes esoteric, techniques of yoga with those of modern-day psychology.

My credentials

  • 300 hour Kundalini Research Institute certified Instructor of Kundalini Yoga
  • 1000 hour Samata International certified Yoga Therapist
  • Tad James certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Coach
  • Tad James Time Line Therapy® Practitioner

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